Pay TV industry shows cracks in media earnings    Suspect in latest theater attack had psychological issues    Malaysia says matches prove wing part is from missing flight MH370    Jobless claims edge up, but labor market still strong    Slow gains in Anbar set pace for Iraq's anti-IS offensive    Saudi mosque bombing targets police, at least 13 dead    Egypt unveils Suez Canal extension amid nationalist fervor    Suicide bombing in Saudi mosque for security forces kills 13    UK rate hike fears recede, emerging markets on edge    The Latest on MH370: Paris prosecutor denies any fresh finds    Hiroshima marks atomic bombing, worries about steps toward war    Explosion in Gaza Strip kills four, wounds 30; cause unknown    10 Things to Know for Today    Checkers responds to viral video of employee throwing burger bun on floor    It's time to play debate bingo!    Bomb squad detonates second WWII-era grenade found near Colo. lake    21 tasty ways to pimp your popcorn    Saudi mosque bombing targets police, 17 dead    Infant mortality rate hits record low, although racial disparities persist    George W. Bush shows up for jury duty    Pentagon's elite forces lack diversity    With first debate, GOP looks to narrow vast candidate field    American culture, from fast food to actors, seeps into Iran    Special Report: How smuggled workers power 'Made in China'    GOP 2016 hopefuls gather for first debate    Confirming MH370 wreckage would add key piece to puzzle    Obama defends Iran nuclear deal as diplomacy winning over war    Trump at center stage as Republicans square off in first debate    Republicans tangle over next steps on Planned Parenthood    Flight 370: Chinese relatives demand 'the truth'